学生受害者倡导者(SVA)是一个保密的资源安置在咨询 & Psychological Services who provides information, support and advocacy to students who may be victims or survivors of crime, violence and/or abuse.

学生受害者倡导者努力以同情和尊重对待受害者, and provides education and training to the Pacific Community.

博彩平台网址大全的SVA职位目前空缺. 1, 2023. We are working on filling this position. For students who need SVA resources, CAPS可以通过与临床病例经理的病例管理预约的形式为学生提供支持. Within these appointments, 学生们将被提供一个保密的空间来处理他们的经历,并被提供专门的受害者支持的社区推荐. Please call the CAPS front desk at 209.946.2315 x2 for more information. For 24/7 crisis support, please contact 209.946.2615 x3. 

For community resources, please click here.

Our Services

学生受害者辩护律师可能是创伤经历后第一个向你伸出援手的人之一. 在这个关键时期,你可能会经历各种各样的情绪和/或身体感觉. The advocate can help you in the following ways:

  • Emotional support.
  • Provide information / resources.
  • Help with referrals to:
    • Academic support
    • Temporary or permanent on-campus housing
    • Mental health support
    • Physical health support
    • Student Conduct
    • Title IX

    • Public Safety reporting
  • Accompany you to meetings with law enforcement, student conduct, court hearings and/or medical centers.
  • Assist you in filing a report with law enforcement, student conduct and/or Title IX, if/when you are ready to do so.
    • Our program is independent of the police. Police reports are encouraged; however, reports are not required for information and referral assistance.
  • Explore options for a restraining order.

Victim's Bill of Rights

  • To be free of intimidation
  • To receive notification of judicial proceedings
  • To be present at hearings accompanied by a victim advocate
  • To have emotional and physical support
  • To be told of services within the community
  • To be treated with respect and dignity

Who is a Victim?

A victim is a person who suffers direct or threatened physical, emotional or financial harm as a result of an act by someone else, which is a crime.

Types of Victimization

Sexual Misconduct 是否是一个总括性术语,包括任何因武力、恐惧或精神或身体丧失行为能力而进行的未经双方同意的性行为, including through the use of alcohol or drugs. 性行为不端的严重程度各不相同,包括一系列行为, including rape, statutory rape (sexual contact with a person under 18 years old), sexual touching, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, 以及暗示企图实施上述任何行为的行为.

Engaging in any sexual activity, clear consent must be given.


  • Rape is the sexual penetration (however slight) of the victim’s vagina, mouth, or rectum without consent.
  • Rape involves penetration with:
    • (a) the use of force/fear or the threat of force/fear; or
    • (b) with a person who is otherwise incapable of giving consent, 包括个人受到酒精或毒品影响的情况,被告已经或应该合理地知道这种情况.

Sexual Touching

  • Sexual touching, also known as sexual battery, 与另一个人的亲密身体部位(穿衣服或不穿衣服)进行不必要的和性侵犯的接触的行为是否存在, which causes immediate apprehension that sexual touch will occur.
  • 私密的身体部位包括任何人的性器官、肛门、腹股沟、乳房或臀部. 性接触包括被告人与无法给予同意的人进行所描述的接触的情况.

Sexual Exploitation

  • Sexual exploitation is the taking advantage of a non-consenting person or situation for personal benefit or gratification or for the benefit of anyone other than the alleged victim; and the behavior does not constitute rape, sexual touching or sexual harassment. Sexual exploitation includes, but is not limited to:
    • 未经同意对性行为进行拍照、录音、录像的;
    • 未经参与者同意传播图像或录音;
    • 在伴侣不知情或不同意的情况下允许他人观察性活动;
    • Voyeurism (peeping tom);
    • 故意将性传播感染或艾滋病毒传染给另一名学生;
    • Prostituting another person; and/or 
    • 向另一名学生提供酒精或其他药物,目的是使他们无法表示同意.

Sexual Harassment

  • 性骚扰是任何不受欢迎的性行为或行为,造成恐吓, hostile or offensive working or educational environment. A comprehensive list of prohibited behaviors can be found in the Tiger Lore.


  • Stalking is prohibited.
  • It is willful, 对某人的恶意和反复的跟踪或对他人的骚扰行为, putting the person in reasonable fear for his or her personal safety, or the safety of his or her family.
    • This includes use of notes, mail, gifts, communication technology (e.g. voicemail, text messages, 互联网和社交网站-使用任何电子或电信也被称为网络跟踪)骚扰或传达威胁. 在某些情况下,这种罪行也可能被视为一种性行为不端.

Physical Assault/Battery

  • Physical assault or battery is prohibited. 它是指违背他人意愿触摸或殴打他人,或以暴力相威胁.

Dating/Relationship/Domestic Violence

  • Dating/Relationship/Domestic Violence is prohibited.
  • This type of violence may be emotional, verbal, physical and/or sexual abuse by an intimate partner, family members or parties in a dating relationship.


  • 盗窃是非法和未经授权的移动任何个人财产为自己使用.

Threat of Harm

  • Conveyances of threats, which result in, or may result in, harm to any person by willful and deliberate means is prohibited.


Many crimes involve the use of force or violence against victims. Victims of crime may experience many physical, cognitive, and emotional reactions as a result of the victimization. Reactions to trauma vary from person to person and can last for hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. Every victim's reaction will be different, 重要的是,不要把他们的反应或缺乏反应作为判断创伤影响的偏见. 


Physical Reactions:

  • Headaches
  • Stress related illnesses, such as nausea, diarrhea, and hives
  • Nightmares or trouble sleeping
  • Hyperactivity
  • Lethargy
  • Changes to ones appetite
  • Lowered immunity
  • Alcohol/Drug dependence

Cognitive Reactions

  • Decline in academics
  • Forgetfulness
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Memory loss of the event
  • Flashbacks of the event

Emotional Reactions

  • Anger or rage
  • Terror
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Grief
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Emotional numbness
  • Social withdrawal
  • Feelings of helplessness

These reactions are considered normal after experiencing a traumatic event. There are many other reactions that are not listed.

You do not have to go through the healing process alone. If you are experiencing any of these reactions, seek help from Counseling Services (209.946.2315 x2).

Preventing Victimization

We can all be victims of crime, but we can protect ourselves as well. It only takes a few seconds, but even you can become the victim of a crime, which can leave you feeling vulnerable, confused, physically injured, and/or mentally traumatized. 

Reducing Your Risk

犯罪几乎可以发生在任何地方,任何时间,任何人身上. 而刑事司法系统则通过警察巡逻在防止受害方面发挥作用, neighborhood watch programs, public media campaigns, and community anti-gang violence programs, you are also a good resource for protecting yourself.

Protecting Your Living Space & Car

Here are a few tips to stay safe at home and in your car, as well as protect your valuables in these places:

  • Don't open the door for people unless you are expecting them.
  • 如果窗户很容易从外面进入,就不要开着窗户睡觉.
  • If possible, 在前门和后门安装安全摄像头,监控房子周围的活动.
  • If possible, 安装一个报警系统,在院子里放一个标志,表明房子被监控.
  • Ensure that your entryways are well lit; consider using sensor lights that are activated by movement.
  • 在门上开偷窥孔,这样你不用开门就能看到外面.
  • Lock doors and windows when you leave the house.
  • Leave lights on when you are not home; set timers on lights if you will be gone for extended periods of time.
  • 如果你住在公寓大楼里,除非你认识并期待他们,否则不要让别人进来.
  • Don't investigate loud noises (such as breaking glass) yourself; call the police to have them investigate.
  • Avoid using your full name on your mailbox.
  • Carry a hand-held flashlight with you to navigate dark hallways.
  • Lock car doors and keep valuables out of your vehicle.
  • When driving, make sure doors are locked, especially at stoplights.
  • 如果有人撞了你的车,把车停到一个安全的地方评估损失,并随身携带钥匙.

Protecting Yourself Against Sexual Assault

Unfortunately, most sexual assaults are perpetrated by an attacker the victim knows, including friends, relatives, and authority figures, such as professors or work supervisors. The best way to protect yourself is to use your head. Be assertive. Make sure you communicate your desires and limits clearly.

  • You always have the right to set sexual limits in any relationship.
  • Be wary of behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable.
  • Trust your instincts.
    • If the behavior persists, leave and make sure you are not followed.
      • If you are followed, go to a public area.
    • If you feel you cannot comfortably leave, 提醒你信任的人注意这个情况,并让他们注意你.
  • 避免过度使用酒精和其他药物的情况下,你不知道和信任每个人.
  • Never accept drinks from anyone unless you see them being poured.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Do not assume that you are always safe.
  • Vary your routines whenever possible.
  • Try not to walk alone at night. If you must, walk in lighted areas. Walk at a steady pace and look confident.
    • If you are on campus, you can call for an escort from Public Safety.
  • Use the buddy system when going to parties.
  • If you are in danger, scream, make noise, blow a whistle, or create any other commotion you can think of.
  • Recognize when someone is too far under the influence to give consent.
  • It is never too late for someone to change their mind or say "no"; respect their right to do so.
  • 一个人的衣着或行为从来都不等同于连贯的、口头的表达.
  • 在采取任何不必要或不受欢迎的行动之前,一定要征得许可.
  • If you feel you are too far under the influence to control your actions, remove yourself from the situation.
  • Alcohol and/or drug influence is never an excuse for sexual assault or rape.

Contact Us

Student Victim Advocate:


24/7 Support:
209.946.2315 x3

Non-Emergency Public Safety:

Emergency Public Safety:

Counseling & Psychological Services:
209.946.2315 x2

Women's Center Youth & Family Services 24/7 Hotlines:

Domestic Violence: 209.465.4878

Sexual Assault: 209.465.4997

Human Trafficking: 209.948.1911