Additional Requirements for International Applicants

In addition to our standard Application Materials国际申请者还必须提供以下信息才能被录取.

If your native language is not English, 我们要求您提交以下英语水平考试成绩之一:

  1. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) iBT
  2. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic
  3. Duolingo English Test (DET)

Submitting Scores

For a listing of TOEFL codes please see our Application Materials page. 雅思成绩可以通过考试服务直接发送到研究生入学办公室, by mail or to 

Minimum Scores for Admission

TOEFL: 80 (90 for Graduate Assistants)
IELTS: 6.5
Duolingo: 110

未获得研究生助教奖学金所需分数的申请人可能会被单位的招生委员会要求提交英语口语测试(TSE)的分数。, also administered by ETS.

Don't meet our minimum English proficiency requirements?

Visit our UOP International Graduate Programs 网站,了解更多有关英语衔接课程的信息.


美国教育考试服务中心和雅思考试都暂时提供在家在线英语水平考试. Please select either the TOEFL iBT At Home or the IELTS Indicator exam, and have your scores sent to the correct code found on this page.

Official copies of international transcripts are NOT required for admission.  所有国际申请者都需要经过批准的成绩单评估服务机构对每门课程的外国成绩单进行评估(见下面的成绩单评估)。.

In-Progress Transcripts
如果您在申请博彩平台网址大全时尚未完成学士学位(或硕士学位,如果适用), 请从你的大学索取成绩单,显示你迄今为止完成的工作. 这些被称为正在进行的成绩单,并将标记为无学位指示. 这些文件可用于入学评估目的,并将提交入学决定.

请注意,您将收到研究生入学办公室的通知,表明您的成绩单要求尚未满足. Once you complete your degree, 你需要提交官方成绩单,证明学位已经授予/授予/完成.

在美国以外的学校就读的国际学生必须向联络处提交一份学业成绩评估报告. 博彩平台网址大全目前接受下列机构的评价:

请要求每门课程的评估,包括平均绩点(GPA)。. 正式评估副本应直接发送到申请系统. 如果你的成绩单不是英文的,那么在进行评估之前,你必须将官方的英文翻译件提交给评估机构.


Translating official transcripts
许多学校都可以满足你的要求,用英语出具成绩单. 如果你的学校不能提供英文的官方成绩单,你有几个选择:

  • 你可以把你的成绩单和文凭/学位证明带到适当的验证机构(例如.e. Educational Ministry) to have them translated and notarized. 然后,机构可以将这些文件以密封的形式直接发送给评估服务, preferably signed envelope. If the institution will only release the verification to you, please request that they put it in a sealed envelope so that you can forward that envelope directly to the evaluation provider; DO NOT open the envelope as that will void the verification. 这些文件必须装在密封的原始信封中才能被视为正式文件.
  • You can submit your transcripts to a translation service. 然后,翻译服务可以将这些文件以密封的形式直接发送给评估提供商, preferably signed envelope. If they send the translation to you, 必须以其原始密封状态转发给评估服务机构. Again, DO NOT open the envelope as that will void the translation; the documents must be sealed to be considered official. 你还应该要求翻译时提供一份官方副本(你的母语),这样他们就可以将原文与译文进行比较.

如果你不能获得正式成绩单提交评估,我们批准的供应商 Foundation for International Services (FIS) will evaluate transcripts based on unofficial copies. 有关外国成绩单评价的其他障碍将根据具体情况进行审查. Please contact Graduate Admission for more details.

政府规定要求国际学生提供证据,证明他们能够满足其教育的经济要求, living expenses, and miscellaneous costs. This requires the submission of the Certification of Finances form 金额足以支付上述一年的所有费用.

Please Note: 国际申请者必须在公布的截止日期前六(6)周提交完整的申请材料. The Certificate of Finances may be submitted after the applicant has been admitted to the graduate program. The accompanying bank statement must be in English, and dated no more than 6 months prior to submission.

UOP International

Contact UOP International

Stockton Campus
3601 Pacific Avenue
Stockton, California 95211

International students gather for a career fair in 2017.
International Students
Welcoming students from around the world

博彩平台网址大全自豪地接待来自世界各地的学生. 近13%的研究生是国际学生,来自43个不同的国家. 在这里,你会发现一个多元化和充满活力的社区,你会喜欢打电话给你的家.